Package: gtools 3.9.5

Ben Bolker

gtools: Various R Programming Tools

Functions to assist in R programming, including: - assist in developing, updating, and maintaining R and R packages ('ask', 'checkRVersion', 'getDependencies', 'keywords', 'scat'), - calculate the logit and inverse logit transformations ('logit', 'inv.logit'), - test if a value is missing, empty or contains only NA and NULL values ('invalid'), - manipulate R's .Last function ('addLast'), - define macros ('defmacro'), - detect odd and even integers ('odd', 'even'), - convert strings containing non-ASCII characters (like single quotes) to plain ASCII ('ASCIIfy'), - perform a binary search ('binsearch'), - sort strings containing both numeric and character components ('mixedsort'), - create a factor variable from the quantiles of a continuous variable ('quantcut'), - enumerate permutations and combinations ('combinations', 'permutation'), - calculate and convert between fold-change and log-ratio ('foldchange', 'logratio2foldchange', 'foldchange2logratio'), - calculate probabilities and generate random numbers from Dirichlet distributions ('rdirichlet', 'ddirichlet'), - apply a function over adjacent subsets of a vector ('running'), - modify the TCP_NODELAY ('de-Nagle') flag for socket objects, - efficient 'rbind' of data frames, even if the column names don't match ('smartbind'), - generate significance stars from p-values ('stars.pval'), - convert characters to/from ASCII codes ('asc', 'chr'), - convert character vector to ASCII representation ('ASCIIfy'), - apply title capitalization rules to a character vector ('capwords').

Authors:Gregory R. Warnes [aut], Ben Bolker [aut, cre], Thomas Lumley [aut], Arni Magnusson [aut], Bill Venables [aut], Genei Ryodan [aut], Steffen Moeller [aut], Ian Wilson [ctb], Mark Davis [ctb], Nitin Jain [ctb], Scott Chamberlain [ctb]

gtools.pdf |gtools.html
gtools/json (API)

# Install 'gtools' in R:
install.packages('gtools', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • ELISA - Data from an ELISA assay
  • badDend - Dataset That Crashes Base:::Plot.Dendogram with 'Node Stack Overflow'


14.36 score 25 stars 1.0k packages 9.6k scripts 153k downloads 60 mentions 47 exports 0 dependencies

Last updated 7 months agofrom:bc5d6591db. Checks:1 OK, 8 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 10 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64NOTEJan 10 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64NOTEJan 10 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64NOTEJan 10 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64NOTEJan 10 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64NOTEJan 10 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64NOTEJan 10 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64NOTEJan 10 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64NOTEJan 10 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Convert between characters and ASCII codesasc chr
Convert Characters to ASCIIASCIIfy
Display a prompt and collect the user's responseask
Defunct Functions in package 'gtools'addLast assert capture gtools-defunct sprint
Dataset That Crashes Base:::Plot.Dendogram with 'Node Stack Overflow'badDend
Transform an integer to an array of base-n digitsbaseOf
Binary Searchbinsearch
Capitalize Words for Titlescapwords
Check if a newer version of R is availablecheckRVersion
Enumerate the Combinations or Permutations of the Elements of a Vectorcombinations permutations
Define a macrodefmacro strmacro
Functions for the Dirichlet Distributionddirichlet dirichlet rdirichlet
Data from an ELISA assayELISA
Compute fold-change or convert between log-ratio and fold-change.foldchange foldchange2logratio logratio2foldchange
Get package dependenciesgetDependencies
Deprecated Functions in the gtools packagegtools-deprecated
Test if a value is missing, empty, contains only NA or NULL values, or is a try-error.invalid
List valid keywords for R man pageskeywords
Non-destructively construct a .Last function to be executed when R exits.lastAdd
Provide Name, Version, and Path of Loaded Package NamespacesloadedPackages
Generalized logit and inverse logit functioninv.logit logit
Order or Sort strings with embedded numbers so that the numbers are in the correct ordermixedorder mixedsort
Replace Missing Valuesna.replace
Detect odd/even integerseven odd oddeven
Randomly Permute the Elements of a Vectorpermute
Create a Factor Variable Using the Quantiles of a Continuous Variablequantcut
Convert Roman Numerals to Integersroman2int
Apply a Function Over Adjacent Subsets of a Vectorrunning
Display debugging textscat
Determine the directory or full path to the currently executing scriptscript_file script_path
Modify the TCP_NODELAY (`de-Nagle') flag for socket objectssetTCPNoDelay
Efficient rbind of data frames, even if the column names don't matchsmartbind
Split a File Path into Componentssplit_path
Generate significance stars from p-valuesstars.pval
Most frequently occurring valuestat_mode
Convert a byte-code function to an interpreted-code functionassignEdgewise unByteCode unByteCodeAssign